Super Summer or Doctor Summer?!?


You can now call me Super Summer or Doctor Summer. Whichever your heart desires after reading this story.

After a pedicure and dinner with Mom and Scot, I decided to go get a smoothie. I sat in the car drinking my smoothie for about 15 minutes trying to clear my head of negative thoughts. I decided I should go home. Pulling into my neighborhood I see a swerve of car lights and quickly realize there’s something in the road I turn on my brights and realize there’s a man laying in the road. I run over to him and he starts ceasing, I roll him on his side and call 911 while another guy assisted me. I talk to 911 and monitor his breathing and prepare for compressions. Nobody else came up the road for 7 minutes.. once the fire truck and EMS get there they take over and take him to the ambulance. As I am talking to the other guy who pulled up right after me he said he saw the guy walking then fell to the ground. I told him I saw the car swerve, I thought he got hit by the car, he was informed me that there was no other car that swerved.

YALL there was an angel with me and this guy tonight. There are so many what ifs, what if I just went home after dinner, what if I went to Lindsey like I was going to, what if someone found him and didn’t know what to do, what if nobody came else down that road for another 7 minutes!

Thank God it was that moment and I was able to know what to do and how to handle the situation.

Thank god for CPR first aid courses, Greys Anatomy’s, and my endless medical shows addiction.

Cue: The Fray- How to Save a Life

One thought on “Super Summer or Doctor Summer?!?

  1. Lila says:

    Wow, that is actually quite impressive, his family must be so grateful! I’m a new blog reader and you have a talent for writing and story telling! I wish you the best with the treatment!

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